Mill Creek Condominium Association, and the developer of this site, does not guarantee the accuracy of any information available on this site, and is not responsible for any errors, omissions, or misrepresentations. Information including availability, features, floor plans and rent ranges are subject to change without prior notice and should be verified independently with the property owner or manager.


All real estate advertised herein is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination."

Mill Creek Condominium Association, and the developer of this site, will not knowingly accept or permit any advertisement for real estate that is in violation of the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis.

If You Suspect Discrimination

Despite our zero tolerance policy, much of the information regarding real estate and related matters in this website is provided by third parties. As such, there may be an instance of potential discrimination by these third parties that we are not yet aware of. If you suspect discrimination, please contact our staff at feedback@millcreek-condos.com.

Complaints alleging discrimination in housing may also be filed with the nearest office of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), or by calling HUD's toll free number: 1-800-669-9777 (voice), or 1-800-543-8294 (TDD).

You can also contact HUD on the Internet at: www.hud.gov

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